About All One Peace
We are all one piece. We are all one peace.
- Genai
All One Peace is a universal wisdom studio for training explorers, healers, yoga teachers, messengers, creative artists, and channels to find and express the Creator Within. Our goal is to support your return on your unique path to the joy, innocence, and confidence of trusting your own true Self.
Our teachers often come from Nature, lost and forgotten in our technological world. All One Peace is the steward for over 750 natural essences from flowers, trees, sacred sites, DNA stranding codes, stars and galaxies each with a purpose or message. To make your journey gentle, loving, and safe, we present Genai’s shamanic chants, books, and services. Our services include private mentoring and healing sessions and personal soul songs. Our interactive classes on meditation, intuition development, flower essence therapy, and energy healing give you tools to use at home.
What We Offer
Essences, Books, and Albums
Swanstar Essences, Lightwater Essences, and Texas Wildflower Essences are vibrational infusions in distilled water given to us from flowers, sacred sites, spiritual archetypes, stars, galaxies, and more. We have researched them for nearly 20 years. Each essence offers channeled teachings and healing support for change.
Each of our three lines of chemical-free vibrational patterns possess different healing themes:
Texas Wildflower Essences for addiction, abuse and co-dependency healing;
Swanstar Essences for the hero’s journey toward health and free expression; and
Lightwater Essences for restoring love to people and the planet wounded by war, chemicals, biotechnology, and accelerating information technologies.
All are alcohol- and chemical-free. Most are fragrance-free for sensitives. Custom blends to weave and strengthen wholeness can be tailored just for you. When you order our essences, books, or CDs, you support our research and planetary work.
Private Sessions
Vibrational alchemy healing sessions with Genai, All One Peace founder, intuitive healer, spirit singer, and consciousness teacher, are channeled from Source to awaken your own sense of wholeness. From broken bones to surgeries, to sorrow and loss, to anxiety and pain, these sessions ease the way for rapid healing, mental clarity and peace of mind. Private sessions are gentle, safe, deep, fun and tailored to each individual. As we clear, balance and align the invisible subtle anatomy of your mind, emotions, and vitality, your core strength—the source of all lasting change—awakens.
Classes and Workshops
Classes and seminars on intuitive decision-making, energy healing, flower essence therapy, self-healing, and psychic and spiritual channeling help you evolve your natural abilities or spiritual gifts. These skills can strengthen every aspect of your life, such as creativity, relationships, work, and health.
Private or small group seminars for 2-4 friends who share a specific area of ongoing study may be arranged.
Our Philosophy
We are universal in our approach to the Divine. Source, God, Goddess, Creator, All That Is, Great Spirit, Yahweh, Allah, Nature, Tao, are all language for the originating principle of creation. We believe based on our experience: that all healing is self-healing; that subtle energy is the basis for substance; and that energy follows thought. Further, we co-create with the Divine and choose our perceptions based on past experience.
We can change our perceptions by seeking new experiences. As we learn to love and accept ourselves and others, we raise our consciousness and have more access to our inner Self. Vibrational alchemy with sound, light, color, and flower essences empower us with emotional and mental support as we evolve. By exploring these principles we activate our wholeness, personally and for the planet.
Our Mission
We are committed to researching subtle anatomy and vibrational alchemy, educating and empowering our audience with new methods, and providing pure, high-quality vibrational medicine products for complementary health care and consciousness development. We are dedicated to holding to integrity as we create a successful business enterprise.
We demonstrate respect for ourselves, others, and the planet by making cruelty-free, eco-sustainable, intelligent, and effective products, and by wisely managing materials, both physical and vibrational.