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Swanstar Essences Flower Essences

“Since I started using your essences, a process of clearing followed by positive change has really kicked into gear.”

- Mary Akamatsu, Florida

“I used the Safe & Sound Stress Remedy when I went back to see my family--a difficult trip. You should call it Safe & Sound Happy Drops! A short time after taking them my whole attitude changed and I was happy as a lark.”

- Client

“My work with Genai and the Empress Tree Essence that she intuitively guided me to take was transformational. It opened my heart and energy in such a profound way that my ability to give and receive love in relationships and life's work has expanded.”

- Patricia Varley, Naples, FL

Swanstar Essences


Guiding you home to your true Self


As our world has become more technologically driven, we are often deprived of a close personal relationship with nature’s healing power and beauty. Separation from this precious soul support may create sadness, anxiety, isolation, grief, imbalances, and soul sickness.


Swanstar Essences, co-created with Nature by Genai, bring a gift of healing from sacred sites, flowers, and Spirit. These products offer nature's healing power in gentle, safe, light-infused remedies.


Helping People, Animals, Plants, and the Planet


Since l996, Swanstar Essences have served holistic practitioners, yoga teachers and students, sensitives, empaths, adult children of alcoholics, students of consciousness, the elderly, children, and pets. The flower essences—which are free of alcohol and fragrance—have been used successfully to relieve headache and back pain, balance stress, speed wound healing, soothe bites and stings, and to relieve anxiety, grief, loss, and more. They have unlocked fear-based barriers to deepen well-being, spirituality, transformation, and conscious evolution, and opened new resources, directions, and inspiration for creativity. 


Created Tel-homeopathically


Part of a new generation of flower essences, Swanstar Essences are made
“tel-homeopathically,” using a combination of telepathic and homeopathic principles. They are collected by direct communion with Nature and the nature angels (devas). Unlike Dr. Bach’s remedies, which were developed over 70 years ago, for Swanstar Essences nothing is cut or killed, and no physical material touches the water. They are diluted in a traditional homeopathic manner to amplify them, then placed in sterile cobalt blue bottles, as in ancient times, for maximum stability.


No Alcohol, Allergens, or Chemicals


All Swanstar Essence products are preserved in a base of distilled water unless otherwise noted, and are safe for children, pets, sensitives, and those with allergies. The ultimate in “green” products, Swanstar Essences preserve and balance the environment, and can be used to balance land and gardens.


Swanstar Essence products are fragrance-free unless otherwise noted. Some of the mists and oil-based products like Shaman's Secret Shield may contain a light fragrance blended from organic and therapeutic-grade essential oils.


Three Types of Flower Essence Products


Swanstar Essences offer three choices for flower essence use:

  • Single Flower Essences. Multi-dimensional essences from sacred sites, flowers and Spirit.

  • Blends and Mists. Specially formulated by Genai, some include light fragrance.

  • Custom Flower Essence Blends. Selection and blending of these and carefully selected essences from other makers into personalized, custom soul weaves.  

Featured Products


In addition to the products available online here, individual essences and all sets of Swanstar Essences may be ordered by calling Genai at 239-298-4839.​

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